viernes, 25 de febrero de 2011 | By: Josue Borjas, Roberto Turcios

The Second Contental Congress

Smoke from the battle of Lexington and concord (April. 19, 1775) had scarcely cleared when the second continental congress met on the appointed day in Philadelphia. Armed conflict strengthened the radical element, but only gradually did the delegates swing toward independence. A continental army was created to oppose the British, and through the agency of John Adams, George Washington was appointed (June 15, 1775) commander in chief. The reconciliation plan offered (1775) by lord north`s government was tabled. A diplomatic representative, Silas dean, was sent (mar, 1776) to France. American ports were opened in defiance of the Navigation Acts. Finally, the momentous step was taken, and congress on July 4, 1776 adopted the Declaration of Independence.
The congress, a young and unsteady organization had little money and limited means for obtaining more. Nevertheless, it struggle to press the conduct of the war while moving, under force of military circumstances from place to place: it met a Philadelphia (1775-1776) Baltimore (1776-1777), and Philadelphia again (1777) . There was friction between congress and military leaders, and the soldier contemptuous (something justly) of the politicians, constantly agitated for their pay and their rights. The Congress, jealous of its power, frequently hindered Washington on his strategy.

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