viernes, 25 de febrero de 2011 | By: Josue Borjas, Roberto Turcios

Patriots vs. Colonists

Despite mounting grievances, it is important to note that many Patriots
considered themselves subjects of the King until the brink of war, and
were often proud of being British. Britain had won the French and Indian War
just a decade previously, and colonist were still experiencing national price as a result
of the important victory. in addition, Britain was widely perceived as one of the more
progressive governments in the world. Interestingly, the emphasis on individual liberty that colonists so cherished as Britons added fuel to Patriot rhetoric - how could a government that proclaimed individual rights and due process for their mainland citizens ignore the will of their colonists?
Patriot Arguments:
- Individual liberty threatened by greater government.
- A series of acts and laws passed by the British Government were oppressive and indicative of a decline in colonial rights.
- No representation in British Parliament
- The Quartering of British troops.
- British control of trade.

Loyalist Argument:
- Common Heritage and Culture with England.
- Benefit from the Trans-Atlantic trade.
- Many were first generation or had close relatives in England.
- Strong sense of duty to British Crown.
- Farms and Farm products could be greatly reduced in value.
- Separate government could degenerate into anarchy.
- Actions taken by revolutionary committees were "illegal", and a symptom internal tyranny.

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